Introducing PureGenomics
As a PureGenomics Practitioner I will help you translate your genetic testing results into a personalized supplement and lifestyle program.
Getting Started for Patients
1. Visit or to purchase a genetic test kit.
2. Recipients of the kit will need to follow the step-by-step instructions provided.
3. You will receive an email from 23andMe® or when your results are ready.
4. Contact your practitioner to get signed up with PureGenomics ® .
5. Your practitioner will send you a PureGenomics ® email invitation with a link to register for an account.
6. Once logged into your PureGenomics ® account, select “Connect with 23andMe® or”. PureGenomics ® will automatically sync with your 23andMe® or raw data. The information will populate in your practitioner’s account to review with you at your next appointment.